• info@lumerochie.com
  • Call: +44 74590 10026
  • Mon - Fri : 9:00 -17:00

Key Differences

Innovative Designs & Development

Design Innovation is not just about coming up with new ideas and products - it’s also about changes that lead to growth and differentiation. We approach each project with a fresh perspective and broad, up-to-date knowledge of materials and the latest manufacturing techniques and less expensively than you would expect.

Capacity to Handle Bulk Quantities

We have the experience and ability to produce any volumes of Orders. We adhere to meet the on-time supply of such orders with improved quality and lower operational costs.

Cross-Functional Excellence

Your mind can accept only those ideas that have a frame of reference with your existing knowledge. It rejects everything else. If your knowledge is functionally focused, you'll be open to new ideas related to your functional expertise only and will miss all other learning and innovation opportunities.

Quality & Timely Deliveries

Just as the name suggests, simply speaking, on-time delivery is the ability of any business to meet the customers’ requirements and deliver the products or services to the customer on time. Perhaps time is one of the most important issues customers are concerned about.
Quality and Timely Delivery are important for the growth of Entrepreneurs.