• info@lumerochie.com
  • Call: +44 74590 10026
  • Mon - Fri : 9:00 -17:00

What We Do

Ensuring great quality services and products that help boost customer loyalty across the globe.

With a plethora of services starting from product sourcing and procurement, product designing to on-time delivery, strategic pricing, clear communication and coordination, LR stands partner at each step of the trade and provide all kinds of logistics support. When you come on board with us, we stand committed to bringing a positive thrust to the business, paving way for a successful future.

Good Product sourcing is all about finding the correct source and a great price for each product. This is where LR comes in! We facilitate the product sourcing for clients and source superior products at best prices.

At LR, we realize the importance of trust between sellers and the buyers hence we aid and promote buyer’s visits to India. This not only helps create a dialogue between the parties but also helps the buyer gain more insight towards the products and their origin. We help find trusted sources such as local artisans and dealers while assisting in point to point negotiations.

With a versatile array of sources we make sure that the requirements for each buyer are catered. A large network of buyers makes it a much feasible task to procure products at the best prices.

Quality Assurance

Ensuring great quality services and products that help boost customer loyalty across the globe.

Just like it's said that branding is the king today, it can be rightly said that quality is the queen. Superior quality creates word of mouth and a loyal customer base that comes back for more. LR specializes in quality services and quality assurance.

Regular quality checks and reliable sources ensure the best quality product each time. The team carries out stringent quality checks based upon the safety and standard requirements of the buyer. This helps maintaining the prescribed standards throughout the inventory and also makes it possible to replace or repair any goods that are not up to the mark.

Time and Delivery

Premium quality products at best prices give the brand an edge in today’s constantly evolving Ecommerce marketplace. A large client base and extensive supply chain network has brought LR to the forefront of buying and sourcing on a global scale. LR, we pride ourselves at meticulous planning for each step, right from the beginning when a product is procured to the final delivery. A communications team attends to each shipment ensuring timely delivery while maintaining crystal clear lines of communication across. This not only helps everyone involved stay stress free but also contributes to positive customer relationship.